1. If there is no paraffin in the fuel tank, fill with fresh paraffin
2. Adjust Pump Pressure if it is incorrect
3. If the Spark Plug is corroded or incorrect plug gap, then Clean or replace Spark Plug
4. If there is a dirty Fuel Filter, Clean or replace Fuel Filter
5. If the nozzle is Dirty, Clean or replace Nozzle.
6. If there is moisture in Fuel or Fuel Tank then rinse out fuel tank with clean fresh paraffin.
7. if there is an improper electrical connection between Transformer and Circuit Board then Inspect all electrical connections. See Wiring Diagrams.
8. if the Ignitor Wire is not connected to the Spark Plug then Re-attach Ignitor wire to Spark Plug
9. if the Ignitor is defective then replace the ignitor.
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