Please see this link for an informational video on how to use and calibrate the Stanley Stud Sensors: To Calibrate: Calibrate the unit on wall before scanning for wood or metal stud. Note: While calibrating, the Intel Laser Pro must not be placed directly over a stud dense material such as metal, wet or newly painted areas as this will prevent the unit from calibrating properly. If this is done over wood or metal stud the unit will give no indication when moved away from the area. Move to a different location and try again.
- Hold the Intel Laser Pro flat against the surface making firm contact.
- Press and hold the On button. All indicators on the LCD are displayed while the unit goes through it's 1 to 3 second calibration cycle.
- The word CALIBRATING will appear on LCD (illustration 4) while the unit is calibrating to surface.
- Following the completion of calibration, the unit will beep and the word READY will be shown on the LCD (illustration 9). The LED light will illuminate the keypad showing the depth mode (1/2 depth default).
IMPORTANT: The unit can not be moved before calibration is complete. READY will appear on the LCD. Notes:
1. Laser line is always on when holding the ON button.
2. Continue to hold the ON button during stud detection.
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